Escort Capri rs2000 Strut Tower Chassis stamps | German Made Escorts

  • Sale
  • Regular price Rp 5.577.000,00

These stamps are used on the German made Escorts. There is another style of stamps used on Escorts made in Britain. 

Kit options

-Numbers only (0-9 6/9 are the same)

-Stage 1- Set includes all of the numbers, 1 star, and up to 6 letters of your choice. Note the letters at checkout. 

-Stage 2- Set includes all of the numbers, 1 star, and current list of letters. A,B,C,D,F,G,H,K,L,M,T,S,R,P,N,E,J,Y,W,U (20 letter stamps)

Smaller kits available, please contact me for more info.