Mustang 1968 Windshield Tag Number kit 0-9, and 2 letters of your chouce.

  • Sale
  • Regular price £243.00

This kit is specific to the aluminum tag found on the windshield of the 1968 Mustang.

Kit includes

0-8 number set
2 letters of your choice, ***Please call out the letters in the notes upon ordering***


-Numbers only (does not include letters)
-Stage 1 option Number set and two(2) letters of your choice.
       *Stage 1 with Case will come with a case that holds all numbers and letters in  one box.
-Stage 2 option includes the A-Z letter along with the number set.


If you do not see what you are after on the site please contact us, we may already make it or if not we can make it for you!